Ok. Was on time to meet them (Rachel, Weijie, Tabita and Eileen) at Katong shopping centre today to sing. Ming song and Bernice came later, they didn't come together. haha.
Went to sing until like 5. Singing was fun.
Eileen and me leave early as she have something on and I am going downtown to celebrate
Jordan's birthday. Do go and see his blog. haha. Damn funny!
Went to eat New York New York.
Edmund is like so bad.
Keep saying I am rich and I will pay for huiling if she don't have enough money.
But in the end I did pay for her. They are broke.
Our bill is $81.90.

My bro's POP. I didn't go. haha. Cos can't.
So my parents and my cousin went.

My bro with my cousin (Kieron)

I like this shot. nice! haha.
I don't smoke! haha

I love my brother la:D:D:D:D

At New York New York.

Birthday BOY! haha

I'm not using my camera as it is with my parents. So...

My fish and chip. Ming Song says it's nice.
Yeah not bad.

Edmund and huiling ordered the spring chicken (whole)
Like if me, I can't finish. haha. Yet they order each for them self...

She donno where to start. No bad the chicken i tasted it. haha

My fish and cheap. I'm full after this. haha. and I gave my fries to Jordan

Our birthday cake for Jordan:D

Awaiting. haha

Look like cotton la. haha

Nice I ate 2.. haha

Edmund can't sit like what I'm doing now. Don't laugh!

I want to edit Edmund photo. Edit till he look skinny. and See how he looks.
Too many sweets today. OMG!
2 candy floss, 2 mentos and Mc furry. OMG!
I can taste the sweetness is still on my tongue............