me, Huiling and Weizhen took cab to east coast park.
We reach there about 5. Den we off to blade! haha.
Fazuan is quite a fast learner la! haha.
He never blade before yet he knows how to. haha!
Huiling don't know to blade. And we shall teach her someday:D
Slowly ya huiling. Haha.
I seriously love my Band members! You know who you are:D
Huitian, Juvin, Debbie and Liying came later..
They were like super pissed off. And giving us a black face a first.
Becos the organizer of the BBQ din really get everything.
So they rang up them and ask them to buy.
Huitian, Juvin and Liying are fine. They came to talk to us..
Den I went over to Deb as she didn't even say HI to us..
like super sad :( I long time didn't see her ready and she like that.
So i went over to talk to her.. And we are fine after that.
Mingsong rode his bike to find me about 11 plus. For awhile? haha.
His house is near la. At the lagoon there. haha.
And I treated him a ice cream.
We shall blade together next time:D
Edmund, Weida, Huitian, Jordon, Alex, Huiling and me stay over till about 6 plus.
and we went home. Around 2 plus, we sat near the beach and it's like total darkness.
We had ghost story telling. Like damn scary.
And we change to jokes. haha. Damn funny! Laughing like...!
We played murderer and i donno wad. haha
Super fun and happy:D
Guess Pictures will tell.

Cos she like eating while she is BBQ-ING. Like non-stop BBQ.