Done with final year exam and having holiday until April 12..
And I'm like using two laptops at a time now. hahah
Hotmail is currently giving me problems now..
Will upload pictures up again.. SOON...
March 6 Saturday, Have a great time with shermeen, Chloe, Ian and clement. We studied at airport mac and headed to town area to drink soya bean, you tiao and egg tart:) Had fun and it's like the first time i went out with clement and Ian...Headed home after that, bathed and bused down to bedok interchange mac and met clement and Chloe.. we studied awhile and talked all the way until 6am.
March 8 Monday, Met weizhen and her friends near my house and around 11pm headed and studied SVE at Taby's house with weijie.. Sleep at around 4am and woke up at 730am. Met weijie for Exam after that.
March 9 Tuesday, Coleman enters ns.. and I headed to chloe's house with Shermeen to study for IAC..
Homed and headed to bathe.. After i bathe, my phone rang when I'm combing my hair, I rushed to pick up my phone and it was weijie.. asking me how to do subscription account.. Another person called me while I'm still explaining to him.. At first I thought it was chloe..and when i took a look, it was mingsong. I'm like so happy la:) Ask weijie to hold on for awhile and i went next line.. happy talking to him and he have to sleep around 11pm..
March 10 Wednesday, after IAC exam, went to bedok interchange to settle our lunch with Joseph, chloe, Clement, Dixon and shermeen. Bused down to queenstown with clement, shermeen and dixon while the rest when home to study as they still have exam the next day.
Queenstown to check out the price for cheer leading skirt, shirt and guy's track pants. They played snooker till 8pm while Shermeen and I sat there to watch and played iphone's games..
Headed to Ikea for dinner after that..I'm like first time eating at ikea.. after eating, we went to find hotdog as clement wanna eat.. walked the showroom like twice and then we realize we are not going anywhere. LOL! we were like laughing all the way when we found out that we are like trapped. All thanks to dixon. LOL!! The scenario is damn funny! Like what you saw on hongkong's horror movie.. Walk and walk like no ending.. haha
Bus back to bedok interchange with shermeen and clement..
March 11 Thursday, Singing at cash studio with Joseph, Taby, Chloe, Clement, Shermeen. Around 430pm we left to school for cheer leading meeting.. I cried before the meeting because i'm too happy:) After the meeting, went to IT fair with Chloe, Shermeen, Mavin, Dixon, Ian, Jason and Clement.. After the IT show, we went to eat at marina's mac.. Was on the phone with Mingsong all the way while they chatted away.. He went to sleep around 10pm and I talked to him for like 1 hour.. After we finished eating, we headed to esplanade and we sit around the circle.. 2 friends of ian's came.. and they joined us.. We played games and we laughed out loud. We didn't notice that it is already 12am. No more train or bus..Shermeen, chloe, Clement, Mavin, Dixon and Iended up walking home.. From esplanade to Bedok. That's very cool! First time in my life and it's like a record to me now. haha. Fun as we did alot of things while walking. We snacked, we sang and we crapped. When i reached home, Mingsong is already awake for training. haha.

March 12 Friday & 13 Saturday..(Chalet's pictures will be uploaded soon)
Chalet check in time at 2.30pm. Met joseph, taby, chloe and shermeen.
Headed to bowl with them and not bad.. Haha.
Dixon, Jason and Ian came around 6pm.
Clement and weizhen came around 7pm and we all watch "cop out" at 1155pm..
After the movie, we headed to pasir ris park and we played games and chatted till around 4am. Breakfast at mac, Taby and I accompanied weizhen to wait for her cab..Reached chalet and we saw no space for us and I'm like being rolled up at the corner of the bed. Thanks taby for the towel to keep me warm:) Laughing is like a thing to do now adays. Checked out around 1045pm and cabbed home with taby.. Homed and went to bathed.. Mingsong came around 12pm and we continue sleeping till 6pm.. And he went home after that.. Settled my dinner and on my laptop.. Text Deric and they ask me if i wanna join them for movie later.. So i went to find them at town to watch "Being human". After the movie, weizhen came to look for us.. And we went Ratchada. They drank. But weizhen, karen and I drank coke and snack all the way. LOL! Headed home around 3am..
Been so long since I hang out with Deric and Wenkai..
Best buddy that I trust:)