Monday, March 22.
Yesterday's training started at 9am and I reached at around 10am.
I'm late because I couldn't get myself out of my bed..
Reached and they already started running. I joined them for the run.Training was fun and we continue training for our April performance routine..
So many things happened yesterday.
We are all so happy..
Cheer leading in our school is actually an interest group.
But now, is it officially a CCA:)
March 22 2010 is the day that Genesis is officially a CCA:)
Video will be posted to Team genesis group:)
After the training, we went tampines 1 to eat. Finished dinner and we headed to grandlink to play L4D2..
After playing for awhile, i stopped playing and i fall asleep while they are still playing.
Headed home around 1120pm..
Coleman can't use his phone during office hour now. Awww. So sad.. I can only receive his text around 8pm.. I don't know if he can book out this weekend.. Hopefully he can:) haha.
If not next week i will be going to taiwan already..
Miss you darling♥