So much to say to all my friends, family and love.
But i don't know how to put them into words.
People whom i would cherish:)
Try my best?
Mummy and Papa:)
Thanks for bringing us up.
You both do anything just to satisfy my wants.
And that's why i get anything i want.
Thanks for everything. Though i shouted at you when you nag at me.
I still love both of you:)
Blood is always thicker than water.
Please do take care of yourself and papa please don't drink too much okay?
Eric Ngai<3
I know you irritates me at times. But you should i love you more than anything else..
Though you scold me and piss me off on purpose, i know you still love me..
You're tough at words but soft at heart.
I know you too well and remember feel years back when I'm still in secondary school?
I cried so hard and I said "I love you" you to.
And you said I'm silly. I want to let you that i love you and always do:)
You're 21 this year and please think carefully. Everyone around you love you. And they wish you to be happy. So do i. Mummy and papa loves you as well.. They loves us equally:) No bias.
Tay Wei zhen
Been 6 years and still counting..
We have been through thick and thin together.
Best friends do all that stuff together..
I know you've been rather stressed with school work.
And kind of down recently.. But no matter what, I will always be there for you.
Even if you're down and you found that I didn't ask about it. It's because I know you will be alright soon. I don't want to stress you further more.
We will be forever best friends:) okay? Have my words. Cheer up.. Life still have to go on..
Live the life because of yourself and not for some one's sake.
Even if everyone leave you, I will still be there for you.. Not only that, I will be by your side..
Though we have school, we are just a phone call away.
I want to let you know that I've always tried my best to make your day.
Whenever you're down, i will try my very best to cheer you up.. And i hope you know it and appreciate my doing. I love you:) And you know that too.
Mingsong, love.
Been 2 years since I know you and this is the 3rd year.
We used to be very close friends in Nitec times and now we are together as one.
I may be loud to you at times or rather most of the time.
But who knows how much i love you? Only me.
Yes recently i'm much more sweeter and better right?
Its because i'm starting to cherish you..
I know you can see that. But please don't take me for granted.. You know i hate people to take me for granted when I treat them really nice..
I love you and i miss you now.
I'm willing to do anything for you if i could.
What about you? I'm not sure if you're willing to..
But i know you treat me really good. Whatever i say, you are most willing to do it..
And you must know that i say you is because of your good.
As for smoking, you can choose not to quit as long as you don't smoke too much..
But quiting is good if you can..
You once told me that when you have a girlfriend you will quit right?
You didn't promise me that. I wouldn't be angry if you don't wanna quit.
I'm fine:) Because no matter what, I will still love you.
From now onwards i will tell you everything that i feel okay?
I won't keep it inside my heart.. Because now then i know you abit stupid.. Always don't know what you did wrong. haha:) Love you still silly boy! And I'm not stupid. Don't always say I am.
I've always been so bad to you.. Saying your b.... and stuff..
I'm sorry. But you know i'm just kidding and just fooling around right?
haha. But i seriously don't like it when you act selfishly. Because many times i do this particular things for your sake.. But when it comes to my turn, you don't do for my sake.. Self fish. Don't like! haha. But still you're my friend:)
Don't always pull a long face okay? You must be honoured that you have me as a friend.. Cos you know i won't dump you somewhere and leave you alone... Even if i'm angry with you, I will still try my best to talk to you.. And back to normal within a minute:)
Shermeen Chia
Finally some words for you! I know you're waiting for this..
Well, you know what i'm going to say. I know you love him alot.. And everyone knows who is that guy. Well, i have been through what you've been through. I used to be the same boat as you. Giving in all i can as long as the one we love is happy. right?
Same thinking.. It's not that I don't understand your feeling.
I still treats Kenneth koh very good and be there for him when i know that his heart is no longer with me. The thinking is that even he isn't mine, as long as i get to see him everyday or so, i will be happy. He even told me that he loves someone else.. And they quarrelled because of me.. And I even take the initiative to help kenneth to get back with her. You should know who I'm referring to. Been 6 months and I never have the feeling of giving him up.. In the 6 months, i found that he have many 5 girls other than me. I didn't give up.. I still tell him that i love him and stuff. But one day, he told me that he is serious with a girl.. and he is willing to wait.. And that's the time when i give up.. I gave up not because I don't love him. I gave up because i wish him to be happy and don't hope that they will quarrel because of me. And soon someone came into my life:) And that mingsong.. The wonderful guy that I've ever met. At the very beginning, I can't accept any guys and i couldn't even trust guys. But he did anything and waited for me and that's when I'm in love with him:) And i know he is the one for me..
I'm sure one day you will find a guy that is worthwhile.
Very sure.. Well, you know i won't force you to anything that you don't like.
I will support you in whatever you do..No matter the toughest or the easiest, you still have us by your sides:)
Tan Mei Hong
Well, i can say that you're the happiest in our group..
Steven treats you good. And this you must know:) He tried his best to get anything you wanted..
But please lower your expectation because eveyone needs time.. right?
You must have confident in him that one day he will do everything you want. You must cherish him because he is good.. And i'm sure he is very happy to be with you.. And you're happy to be with us too! Right?
We must train hard in cheerleading and in our school work. Most importantly, live our life happily! Life still move on. And relationship still carry on no matter what.. You still love him and he loves you too.. So why quarrel everytime? right? Sometimes things won't go easily with quarreling:) And always trust your boyfriend:)
Well, you will still have us:)
Must cherish everything around you before you lost it.
Tabitha Ong
Though you chose Nigel Ong, its okay. I know you still love me.. And I'm always be there for you. You must learn to be stronger okay? You must know who is good and who is bad.. Because in the end whatever you've chose is what you will become.. I would be so self fish to be angry with little things about you and Nigel. Because you know I understand you.. I know how much you love him and I know it is hard on him too. But everthing i've said is not because I want you to leave him. I want him to treat you good. Good enough like a girlfriend. And please be stronger.. Yes same thing. No matter what i will still be there for you.. Though sometimes i will be angry with you because you're late and do things last minute.. But in the end, i'm fine.. And i hope you're find too. And wouldn't be that petty too. I love you.. But you love nigel:) You can still call me up like last time just to tell me everything. Do you still remember that everytime you call me and you go to the toilet? haha. I wanna laugh.. But now, you don't seem to call me that often already. Its alright.. I will understand. Please don't neglect me because i love you too:)

Joseph Chin
I didn't neglect you. Very good friend of mine.. And always be there for me.. I know..
You care for me if I'm late or I skip school. I know you are concern about me.
Thanks alot my friend. Well, though sometimes you're harsh, but I know you want us to be good.
I appreciate all your doing and i know you appreciate me as well:) haha. Well.. You can share with me if you got any unhappy stuff. I will still be there for you:)
2years and still counting!
Love you my friend:)