I'm back from school.
School starts at 8am today.
And ended very early at 12pm.
Headed to tampines with Joseph, Huilin, Ryan, Kevin and Jia wei.
Initially we wanted to eat Subway. But the queue was too long so we decided to go for swensen's 1-for-1 treat. LOL!
After we had our lunch, the rest went off.
Jo and me when shopping. LOL!
Saw Deb with siew chen. So funny.
Saw Bernice and Sherilyn after that. Chatted for quite sometimes before their movie starts.
Went shopping again after that. Jo can really shop man.
He can stay in the same shop for like super long. I don't know exactly the timing. LOL! haha.
Had Frolick yogurt just now! Nice nice!! I like:D:D

The service is S-L-O-W.

Mine!! I took out the coleslaw and I gave it to Huilin.