Friday, September 30, 2011


Thanks nad for buying koi for us and delivering them to my work place:)
I'm so sleepy after drinking the Koi. I want to sleep now.
Glad that has got nothing to do now. 30 more mins to end work..
Planned to go MBS with adeline, shower there and go over to take river taxi to boat quay.
Plan failed. But gonna have dinner with Ade's family. Dragonfly with mabel as weizhen will be there..
Okay I really can't wait to knock off. I wanna sleep..
Weekend is here!! :)

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Mood less.

I'll survive you.

Shut your words
Like a gun
And it hurts like hell but i can deal
Cause i don’t need you to want me
I've got my pride
I’ll survive you
Even with all these wounds
I’m alright
I’ll undo all of the damage you’ve done to my life
That’s right
Your not gonna see me cry
This time i’ll survive you

Pissed off.

Last friday night

 Adeline with her smelly chao chao

It's Friday! Bugis with Adeline, Adrian andCheryl. We shopped and we eat non-stop.
Went to Adeline's place after that. Cam whore, Mac for supper and Final destination 5. Went back around 3am as most of them were tired. Drove down to Jalan tenaga to meet nad and his friends. Mj for the very first time with his friends. My luck wasn't good almost losing all of my chips and I'm in a sleep mode. But in the mid of the game, I managed to win quite a few rounds and in the end i only lose $8.
Reached home at 645am, bathed and knocked out.


Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Get that in mind.
I always do that and I know that guys won't.

I really hope to see that ONE guy who will never let me go no matter how hard the situation is.
But I guess that will never come.


Swimming with Mabel, Weizhen and Nad yesterday after work at Ferraria Park Condo.
It's quite nice there just that they don't have a deep pool. Oh yeah we swam at late evening and it's very dark. Moreover, my goggles are mirror coated. Meaning, it's damn dark until i barely see a thing. I should really get one more goggles for night swimming purpose. After swimming and finishing up our mac, we went sauna. Went to east coast park mac to chill and ate Holick ice cream, awesome. Let’s do it again!

Changed my blog layout and i hope it's nice.

Friday, September 23, 2011

Best of luck girls.

You can tell me how sad and stress you are. How bad your dad situation is. How bad your family is.
I believed you. But never did I know that all of them are made up by you. If you are having an average life that is considered more to the good side, and you are making all of that up, I think you are just cursing yourself. You cursing your own family to be bad, you cursing you dad to have illness. If that’s what you want, you will get them. You yourself told me that your dad is old and don’t have much energy. You claimed that this is your life and you can’t do anything about it. There are more things to say about you ML. In life, no one write your story. You create your own, now that you have created much about yourself.

Well on 6th of September, you texted me. You pretend that you cared for me. You told me how tired you were after working for a long hours, I sympathized you. But you took it for granted; all you did was adding more lies. In fact, you were at Malaysia with your girlfriend. I don’t mind. You could tell me and I will just end everything. What’s the point of lying? I don’t need it. I’m not a suicidal person. Why keep me hanging on? Isn’t it enough for you to have her? I don’t understand why must you have two? You told me that you were some kind or rather suffering from depression. I was always there for you whenever you feel that way. You told me that you are trying your best. What is that?

On the 10 September, it’s your 1 year anniversary with her. I texted you and wished you enjoyed. But you replied, “You know my situation and you still do this to me”. Now that I read the entire message that you sent, makes me laugh. I can’t believe you could be that immature. When in the fact, you went out with her. Call me making up this entire story. But I still have all those text in my inbox.

I still remember you asking me to book driving lessons for you. I topped up $300 in your account and never ever ask you to pay me back. Few days before my cousin’s wedding, you told me that you can’t go when you have agreed to go. You were unable to leave office. I told you to tell your brother and let you have just a little bit of time for yourself. But you said you can’t. I begged you to come. In the end, I said that I will still give my cousin red packet on behalf for you with my own money. But yet, you still didn’t turn up. Not even for awhile. This is how heartless you could be. I know. Now that I think it’s rather stupid to do that because all these while you took me for granted. Since you could be so heartless to me, why am I still treating you good? I know that this would happen to me because the period when you were clinging onto me, I can imagine what lies you told your girlfriend. She could spam call you, spam text you. But you didn’t reply. I guess history repeats and a leopard will never change its spots. You can treat her like this way and you can treat me like this. All I can say that you are just good for nothing. I really hope you won’t hurt your girlfriend anymore and I hope you would treat any other girl like how you have treated me when you have a girlfriend already.

I am glad that I look at the brighter side of life. I have moved on, no longer clinging onto something that’s not worth my time. Girls, if you ever met this kind of guy, I hope all of you will know what to do. I have been through a lot. This isn’t the first time. Well, we have more to learn. Each one made us stronger. One more thing, we shouldn’t let guys control our heart. We control ourselves.

Wish you girls Best of luck.
We could be really strong.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Climbing up.

Washed my car before driving it out because it's full of bird shits.
Don't ever try your luck parking your car under a tree. You will regret.
Dined at Pizza hut and The Smurfs at 9.10pm.
Less than 10 mins from toa payoh to my house. Glad that there isn't any traffic.
Clumsy is so cute! Not forgetting the cat!

Johnny English reborn on saturday! Tickets booked!
Shopping on Saturday with weizhen:)

Alright I'm ending work in another 30mins. But still, I need to work till 11pm later.
Karrie, can do it! :D

Know everything before anything.

A passerby that know nothing about me commented on my previous post.

22 Sep 11, 00:48
Passerby: I use to like reading your blog, because of the pictures and how innocent you are. However in the recent post, you made me realize all this while you are just a whore.

My reply: Thank you for liking my post and pictures. Even if you no longer like me you can stop hurting your eyes by reading. And no… Who are you to judge I’m a whore or not? How do you judge a person whom is a whore? By her blog post? How judgmental. I don’t know how many others are called a whore by you now.

22 Sep 11, 00:49
Passerby: Always trying to get close to guys by sms and presume that they liked you or you can make them yours.

My reply: I don't do all of the about. Maybe you did but you never succeed at all.

22 Sep 11, 00:49
Passerby: So what if you dont hate the guy and wish him the best with his girl, you still hurt the girl regardless

My reply: This is my blog and I write what I feel like and I strongly stand by it. I hurt the girl? Do you think it was me who hurt the girl or the guy? Firstly, I didn’t know that he got a girlfriend until I found it out myself. I didn’t want to spoil their relationship and so I suggested that I should leave him. It’s him who stopped me from leaving him you could actually read from my previous post. I didn’t make anything up. And what for I want to break their relationship? When I know it hurts to be heartbroken? Secondly, before I got together with him, I told him all about my past. How badly I was hurt by having three-timed by a guy.

He knows how badly I’m being hurt. But still he did this. I remembered me asking him this question. “You have a gf, and why the hell you love me in the first place?” His reply was “How you want me to answer this question”. “It’s either she leaves or I leave this triangle relationship. Only one will stay” this is what I always say to him. BUT he kept asking me not to leave him. He said that he will settle everything. He even said that he wants to make it like he didn’t two-time. He wants us to start afresh. Both of us were hurt badly I know.

The thing is I still bless them even if she still want to be with him which in assume she will because she is aware of my existence but she still hand on with him like what I did, unless he lied the same thing?

22 Sep 11, 00:50
Passerby: And no, you are not a victim in the whole episode, bcos its your fault for always trying to get guys and thinking they want you.

I’m a victim as well as the other girl. But I can only feel what I feel not others.
As I have mentioned above that I don’t try to get guys and thinking they want me. I don’t do that. Maybe you did that but you failed all the time? I feel sorry for you though if that’s the case. And I feel that you are assuming too much as well. Do you know me in person or judging me by my post again?

22 Sep 11, 00:50
Passerby: Stop being so delusional and grow up.

My reply: I don’t agree with the delusional part and yes I agree with the growing up. I’m still growing what about you? I supposed you stop growing at 10 years old cause you are talking like one. Maybe I’m wrong.. Maybe you stopped at eleven. I’m still learning.. Look at my post. What a big lesson learnt.

22 Sep 11, 00:50
Passerby: Constantly driving them around, texting them, having sex with them aint gonna get you anywhere

My reply: You must be really interested in my love life that it’s affecting you if I drive them around anot? Why not you tell me who you are and I will drive you around too! Haha.. you must be a really cheap lady that thinks that by driving, texting and having sexual relationship can take you somewhere? You mean to Hermes? Hahahahaha.. I don’t need them to get it for me. But by what you wrote, it seems like you needed them instead.

22 Sep 11, 00:51
Passerby: You disgrace your parents by constantly sleeping over at guys hse and bringing guys back home as a sex buddy.

My reply: oh no, now you are guessing how my parents feel towards this? Oh gosh, you need a doctor…. And you like to assume a lot huh? And no.. not all guys are allowed to stay and I can count by 1 hand and how many times I stay out? I am often not allowed to. Are you delusional? Anything else you wanna know? But please be polite when you ask ok?
For your information, I don’t do things to disgrace my family. And again, if you do not know anything about me, don’t judge me.

22 Sep 11, 00:53
Passerby: and I hate to tell you this, you really have no boobs, so pls do us some good and stop wearing bikini and shoving your flat chest at guys that are attach

My reply: So after all of the above, you add 1 more personal attack/insult? I know you wanna piss me off but please respect yourself and don’t stoop that low. Let me check your IP address and I will know your location somehow. Maybe I can find out something good about your physical assets too. And flat chested anot I know it myself. I don’t get the shoving part again.. You mean you do that?

22 Sep 11, 00:53
Passerby: Shame on you seriously.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011


 Malaysia trip with family..

 Cruise Trip

I’m utterly disappointed about what happened lately. I never expect myself to be in this situation and unwillingly. I got to know a guy… ML. We were together for a short while before in our secondary school days but we were childish and we went our own ways ever since. We found each other again earlier this year. We texted and fell in love. I know it’s cheesy but I never expect to fall for the same guy again and he was actually pretty sweet since the beginning of our “friendship”.

We hanged out, I fetched him to and fro dragon boat, we laughed, we movie-d together and do things couple would do even though we were just friends. It felt so right and in place and we decided that it’s time both of us should get together. It’s mutual.
We had a beautiful start and I expect it to have a nice ending though I think the end is equal to when I die. Not few months later like now….. it died… and a terrible death.
My parents liked him and he stayed over my place very frequently. I went to his place too and his parents are sincere and nice towards me. I would think that this relationship is a good start with all these together.

1 month after our dating stage I found out something that broke every part of me INSIDE OUT. Everything destroyed in just 1 second. My tears started welling up my eyes every night ever since. I didn’t confront him but my face showed it all. I didn’t mutter a single thing and he insisted that there’s something wrong and asked repeatedly. Till he knows that the only thing he was wrong was that he two-timed me. And he asked if that was it… and yes it is. It hurts when he confirmed his relationship with another girl and with me in this triangle. At that instant I was angry, sad, confused and lastly DISAPPOINTED. I didn’t know how to react. I asked for his explanation… I know it’s ridiculous to expect an explanation and still forgive him but I really did love him…. As much as he made me feel that he love me too. THAT MUCH THAT I WAS SO READY TO LISTEN AND FORGIVE EVEN THOUGH I KNOW HOW OTHERS WILL LOOK AT MY RELATIONSHIP. HOW OTHERS WILL KNOW IM A THIRD PARTY. I STILL FORGIVE HIM. *he sings barney songs to me btw*

Then he explains… he never loved her never meet her for a very long time. They don’t meet frequently even when they are in a relationship and he really loves me. He said he love me as he lied more to the other girl than me. And the only thing he hid is the relationship he had with the other girl. WELL I WAS LIED TO AGAIN.

I tolerated knowing the fact that the other party is still around our relationship. Yes I was uptight, I was anxious, I was suspicious! But I can’t help it because I’m in this situation. Much more he assured that I’m the only one he love over and over again. It was so convincing I fell for it.

We went on a holiday together. Star Cruise to Phuket, Langkawi… and Malaysia with my family. It was so sweet like it was so real I was loved that much. Both of us in a cabin… hugging and talking about our future. It was so recent that I could still feel the heat of this whole shit. We had our future planned…. It was definitely going to happen. I know im naïve to think that far when it’s just a beginning of our relationship but no one can judge how I feel and how much I love a person when all I do is just blind and based on nothing but LOVE.

We would always drink Pokka Green Tea and have a lot of Kinder Buenos throughout our late nights. We watch movies and talk about everything under the sun. It was so cool and romantic! Simple at the same time.. the exact relationship I wanted and it was happening. Do you all know dream come true?

I had notes in my iphone with little sweet things that could motivate me to stay on to this relationship. Call me stupid again people. And the messages he wrote are still with me now as I type this.

It was real because he kissed me infront of his dad and we even wheeled him to the hospital. It was like I was there for him when he needed me. But the question was he when I needed him? NOWHERE. Ever since his dad got hospitalized he told he that he couldn’t meet for the time being unless he got the time as he need to do some family stuff. I agreed and do think that the stuffs that he need to do are important. So I waited patiently for him to be free just for me. It was days…. then weeks…. Whenever I got angry he would call me to assure me that everything is alright. Slowly phone calls stopped coming…. Texts got short…. Like it was fading. But I held on… then it was months… I was still waiting for him to meet me when he got the time… but it never came. Even when we ended… we used text. Which adds on to the insincerity.

He said he couldn’t break up with his other girlfriend because she is suicidal and afraid that she might do something stupid. All these while ML would remind me not to post anything lovey dovey on my blog and facebook. I had to keep things. Call me secretive.. I had to hide and wait for him to settle this with the other girlfriend. When he was with me he assured me by not touching is phone throughout the entire time he was with me. LIKE HE DON’T CARE ABOUT HER AND WHAT SHE SAYS. But after sometime he told me that she was suicidal again and he couldn’t break it off with her. Can you imagine he is with me the entire time from Friday evening till Sunday afternoon? It was so loving and he didn’t even touch his phone and that make me believed that everything he have for me is real that was why I gave in every single time.

I finally get over with this shit… I was so broken I had no one to talk to because I didn’t think it was anything glamorous to talk about. Now that it’s over… I want to tell the world that I have given up and no one should be asking me about this. It will just make me irritated and remind me that I was lied to.

I went through a lot and I can finally say it’s over. It may be a little funnier now because I no longer feel that hurt but I will never forget how my past few months was like. So torturing….

Now that he decided that it was only right that we break up after I mention it I think it is so true. Because I found out that he had been meeting her through other means. Thanks to social networking….. and final thanks to google. I found out that all these while he had been meeting her and he admitted to it after I asked.

I find this relationship is now meaningless and pointless. I can’t hold on anymore after everything above I have typed. I hope you know and feel that I loved you that deep ML. That I was willing to give up what others will think of me and even sacrifice my own well being to be with you. BUT YOU JUST RUIN IT. With your own bare hands.

I don’t deserve this just so you know ML. My last good bye to you. You might want to text me to get back all your things that are still at my place. They just remind me of all the shit memories you left behind. You are nothing but a jerk. Lesson learnt. I was stupid…. And I’m learning it the hard way.

Thanks for all the lies and patronizing texts… it just make me stronger. You killed me slowly and that makes it hurt even more. YOU COULD HAVE JUST TOLD ME THAT WE COULDN’T WORK OUT AND I WOULD FUCK OFF.


-----------------------------------------------------THE END---------------------------------------------


Morning! I'm so hungry but I'll be going down to the pantry to get milk later!
Fried rice for lunch from Adeline's maid. I bet it's gonna be delicious with fried onion along with it!
Bought 2 dresses and 1 top online the other day because it's ridiculously cheap! Now, it's here like! Been shopping alot. Guess i need to clear my wardrobe again. If not, mum gonna nag at me again.
The smurfs tonight! Tickets booked! Can't wait for Johnny English this Saturday too!
Since tonight's movie will start at 910, if I'm early I'm gonna do some shopping again! Shoes this time round! Enough of dresses for the time because I'm still gonna shop with weizhen on Saturday. Alright, I really need to save up for something.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Glad that I'm looking at the bright side.
I gave up. Because we are not meant to be.

If you don't really mean them.

What Are Words lyrics

Anywhere you are, I am near
Anywhere you go, I'll be there
Anytime you whisper my name, you'll see
How every single promise I keep
Cuz what kind of guy would I be
If I was to leave when you need me most

What are words
If you really don't mean them
When you say them
What are wordsIf they're only for good times
Then they don't
When it's love
Yeah, you say them out loud
Those words, They never go away
They live on, even when we're gone

And I know an angel was sent just for me
And I know I'm meant to be where I am
And I'm gonna be
Standing right beside her tonight

And I'm gonna be by your side
I would never leave when she needs me most

What are words
If you really don't mean them
When you say them
What are words
If they're only for good times
Then they don't
When it's love
Yeah, you say them out loud
Those words, They never go away
They live on, even when we're gone

Anywhere you are, I am near
Anywhere you go, I'll be there
And I'm gonna be here forever more
Every single promise I keep
Cuz what kind of guy would I be
If I was to leave when you need me most

I'm forever keeping my angel close

Can't wait.

Its Tuesday today!

Meaning it’s the day to meet my laughing pills!
Lovely! My plan was to dine at Pizza hut although I had that on Sunday.
Its okay with huitian want to change plan but all I hope is that she would turn up!
No more coming late or so I hope. I feel like buying a cushion to put at the back of my chair although I have one Minnie mouse cushion that we bought at Phuket during our cruise trip. I don’t want to dirty it. So I’m not bringing it to work.
What’s lunch for today? I guess I’m going to cook Pasta. Shall we? But I forgot to bring hot dogs.
Guess I’m just gonna eat it plain. Sour cream and onion or Cabonara? WOOO! I’m hungry already! Hahah. Sharing Sour cream and Onion with adeline I guess. Shiok! Hope it’s nice!
Great! Johnny English and Smurfs this week! Finally!

Monday, September 19, 2011

Movie on friday night? Movie on Saturday?
johnny english reborn, The smurfs and what?
I can't wait! Miss late night driving! Let's do it!

Nothing matters.

Friday and Saturday!
Friday night went to Phuture for the very first time.
Nad asked me along as he was celebrating his birthday there.
Px and Yan came along too.
First time in my life I drank a weird drink with liquor mixing with milo.
After all, the taste wasn’t that bad.
Had sour plum shot, it’s nice indeed. Maybe we shall go the wine bar just for that drink:D
After club, nad friend, ivan drove us to joo chiat for fei fei wanton mee.
Gave a few pieces of wanton to nad and for myself, I had 3 wanton and I’m done as I felt super sleepy to even eat. Ivan sent us home and I guess it’s a fun night after all. Good to meet new friends!
Got home, bathed, brushed my teeth and retainer was on. Fall asleep as soon.
Woke up at 9am, and I can’t go back to sleep. Watch movie online with my brother till 10 or 11am. Went back to sleep until 3pm. Had my lunch and watch the television for awhile and back to sleep again, woke up at 7pm in the end.
Dinner with my family, we had black pepper crabs!
Reached home at 10pm. Met mabel and weizhen.
Nad came over and fetch us to powerhouse. He went powerhouse with me because his supper plan with his friends was cancelled. So he didn’t drink at all. All he did was take care of our money and girls. Just like a bodyguard. Haha!
Not quite a fun night. Most of them were super high and drunk. Again, I just hope that you girls will take care of your own safety!
Home sweet home and slept at 6am.

Family day on every Sunday!
Dined at pizza hut and that’s what I’m going to do again on Tuesday night with Edmund, Debbie, weizhen and hopefully huitian will be able to make it.
I bought 2 tops, 1 dress and 1 skirt. I need that soon! Catch those entire movies that I have missed!

Thursday, September 15, 2011


It's already Thursday!
Great! Weekend is drawing nearer.
Ran around the park near my place last night with Jennifer.
We should do this more often! I'm becoming a ball. A ball that roll around the park hor uncle Ben...
Been thinking of where i should celebrate my birthday..
At first I don't feel like celebrating it. But now that i found a place and its still unavailable for booking So I'm gonna grab it fast and book it fast! Loyang pool terrace. I think it's rather nice i hope.
Most importantly hope all my friends will have fun:)

Monday, September 12, 2011

No one will be...

This is exactly how I'm feeling right now.
I guess only god knows how I'm feeling..
To the extreme....

Grenade by Bruno Mars

Easy come, easy go, that's just how you live
Oh, take, take, take it all but you never give
Should've known you was trouble from the first kiss
Had your eyes wide open, why were they open?

Gave you all I had and you tossed it in the trash
You tossed it in the trash, you did
To give me all your love is all I ever asked
'Cause what you don't understand is

I'd catch a grenade for ya
Throw my hand on a blade for ya
I'd jump in front of a train for ya
You know I'd do anything for ya

I would go through all this pain
Take a bullet straight through my brain
Yes, I would die for you, baby
But you won't do the same
No, no, no, no

Black, black, black and blue, beat me 'til I'm numb
Tell the devil I said, hey, when you get back to where you're from
Mad women, bad women, that's just what you are, yeah
You'll smile in my face then rip the brakes out my car

Gave you all I had and you tossed it in the trash
You tossed it in the trash, yes, you did
To give me all your love is all I ever asked
'Cause what you don't understand is

I'd catch a grenade for ya
Throw my hand on a blade for ya
I'd jump in front of a train for ya
You know I'd do anything for ya

I would go through all this pain
Take a bullet straight through my brain
Yes, I would die for ya, baby
But you won't do the same

If my body was on fire
Ooh, you'd watch me burn down in flames
You said you loved me, you're a liar
'Cause you never, ever, ever did, baby

But darling, I'd still catch a grenade for ya
Throw my hand on a blade for ya
I'd jump in front of a train for ya
You know I'd do anything for ya

I would go through all this pain
Take a bullet straight through my brain
Yes, I would die for you, baby
But you won't do the same

No, you won't do the same
You wouldn't do the same
Ooh, you never do the same
No, no, no, no


Oh my god.. I wanna have a puppy
But my mum just won't allow ever since young.
So now, me and my brother thought of just buying a dog regardless if me mom allows us..
The most, we will get chase out of house with the puppy.
We are planning where can i stay if i got chased out.
Dogs are extremely cute i wish i can have a puppy as me birthday present please..
Went to pasir ris farm way with my brother on yesterday's evening. It's a so last min thing that we decided to go. Japanese Spitz, Long hair chihuahua, husky or Shetland Sheepdog!
My brother would want a Rottweiler if there it and my father likes Doberman dog..
There will be Doberman puppies coming in next 2 months. So gonna see them.
Saw a very huge dog..Tibetan Mastiff. Taller than me if he stands up. Head is bigger than mind and it cost 15k.

Shetland Sheepdog

The Shetland sheepdog is lively, intelligent, playful, trainable, and willing to please and obey. They are loving, loyal, and affectionate with their family, but are naturally aloof with strangers; for this reason Shelties must be socialized. The Shetland Sheepdog Standard from the AKC allows them to be reserved to strangers, but they should not show fear. Shelties do well with children if they are reared with them from an early age; however, their small size makes it easy for a child to accidentally injure them, so supervision is necessary. Shelties are vocal dogs.The average Sheltie is an excellent watch dog.

For the most part, Shelties are athletic and healthy. Like the Rough Collie, there is a tendency toward inherited malformation and disease of the eyes. Each individual puppy should have his eyes examined by a qualified veterinary ophthalmologist. Some lines may be susceptible to hypothyroidism, epilepsy, hip dysplasia, or skin allergies. The usual life span for Shelties is between 10 and 15 years.

Shelties are also highly susceptible to Transitional Cell Carcinoma (TCC). TCC is a cancer of the bladder, and can be diagnosed early by regular urinalysis from a normal veterinarian. Causes are debated between breed susceptibility and female gender and exposure to insecticides.

Dermatomyositis may occur at the age of 4 to 6 months, and is frequently misdiagnosed by general practice veterinarians as sarcoptic or demodectic mange. The disease manifests itself as alopecia on the top of the head, supra- and suborbital area and forearms as well as the tip of the tail. If the disease progresses to its more damaging form, it could affect the autonomic nervous system and the dog may have to be euthanised. This disease is generation-skipping and genetically transmitted, with breeders having no clear methodology for screening except clear bloodline records. Deep tissue biopsies are required to definitively diagnose dermatomyositis.

Japanese Spitz

Active, loyal, and bright, the Japanese Spitz are known for their great courage, affection and devotion making them great watchdogs and ideal companions for older people and small children. Most Japanese Spitz are good watch dogs and they have a tendency to bark to warn off arriving strangers. The Japanese Spitz is first and foremost a companion dog and thrives on human contact and attention, preferring to be a member of the family. They are known as very loyal dogs. Despite their relatively small size, they are brave and consider it their duty to protect their family. They enjoy being active and love to be in the outdoors.They are intelligent, playful, alert, and obedient, and particularly excellent and loving toward children.
Life expectancy is estimated at 12-16 years.


A Japanese Spitz puppy. They are a healthy breed with very few genetic problems. The main health concern for Japanese Spitz is the development of Patellar luxation, a condition in which the kneecap dislocates out of its normal position. They can also be prone to runny eyes, which is most commonly due to having tear ducts that are too small, or an allergy to long grass or stress. It is rarely caused by any serious eye defect.


Samoyeds' friendly disposition makes them poor guard dogs; an aggressive Samoyed is rare. With their tendency to bark, however, they can be diligent watch dogs, barking whenever something approaches their territory. Samoyeds are excellent companions, especially for small children or even other dogs, and they remain playful into old age. When Samoyeds become bored they may begin to dig. With their sled dog heritage, a Samoyed is not averse to pulling things, and an untrained Samoyed has no problem pulling its owner on a leash rather than walking alongside. Samoyeds were also used to herd reindeer. They will instinctively act as herd dogs, and when playing with children, especially, will often attempt to turn and move them in a different direction. The breed is characterized by an alert and happy expression which has earned the nicknames "Sammy smile" and "smiley dog

Samoyeds can be affected by a genetic disease known as "Samoyed Hereditary Glomerulopathy", a renal disease. The disease is known to be caused by an X-linked dominant faulty allele and therefore the disease is more severe in male Samoyeds.[5] Carrier females do develop mild symptoms after 2–3 months of age, but mostly[6] do not go on to develop renal failure. The disease is caused by a defect in the structure of the type-IV collagen fibrils of the glomerular basement membrane. As a consequence, the collagen fibrils of the glomerular basement membrane are unable to form cross-links, so the structural integrity is weakened and the membrane is more susceptible to "wear-and-tear" damage. As the structure of the basement membrane begins to degenerate, plasma proteins are lost in the urine and symptoms begin to appear. Affected males appear healthy for the first 3 months of life, but then symptoms start to appear and worsen as the disease progresses: the dog becomes lethargic and muscle wastage occurs, as a result of proteinuria. From 3 months of age onwards, a reduced glomerular filtration rate is detected, indicative of progressive renal failure. Death from renal failure usually occurs by 15 months of age.

Also known as Hereditary nephritis, it is caused by a nonsense mutation in codon 1027 of the COL4A5 gene on the X chromosome (glycine to stop codon), which is similar to Alport's syndrome in humans. The disease is simply inherited X-linked dominant, with males generally having more severe symptoms than females. Clinically, proteinuria is found in both sexes from the age of three to four months; in dogs older than this, renal failure in combination with more or less pronounced hearing loss occurs swiftly and death at the age of 8 to 15 months is expected. In heterozygous females, the disease develops slowly. The disease can be treated to slow down the development by use of cyclosporine A and ACE inhibitors, but not be stopped.

As yet there is no genetic screening test available for Samoyed Hereditary Glomerulopathy. If a carrier female is mated with a healthy stud dog, the female offspring have a 50% chance of being carriers for the disease, and any male offspring have a 50% chance of being affected by the disease.

TemperamentA Chihuahua must be chosen with care, as the temperament of its owner can make a difference in the temperament of the pup. Ill tempered Chihuahuas can be easily provoked to attack, and are therefore generally unsuitable for homes with small children. The breed tends to be fiercely loyal to one particular owner and in some cases may become over protective of the person, especially around other people or animals. They do not always get along with other breeds and tend to have a "clannish" nature, often preferring the companionship of other Chihuahuas over other dogs. These traits generally make them unsuitable for households with children that are not patient and calm. Chihuahuas love their dens and will often burrow themselves in pillows, clothes hampers, and blankets. They are often found under the covers or at the bottom of the bed, deep in the dark and safety of what they believe is their den.

Health disorders
This breed requires expert veterinary attention in areas such as birthing and dental care. Chihuahuas are also prone to some genetic anomalies, often neurological ones, such as epilepsy and seizure disorders.

Chihuahuas, and other toy breeds, are prone to the sometimes painful disease hydrocephalus. It is often diagnosed by the puppy having an abnormally large head, or hydrocephalus, during the first several months of life, but other symptoms are more noticeable since "a large head" is such a broad description. Chihuahua puppies exhibiting hydrocephalus usually have patchy skull plates rather than a solid bone and typically are lethargic and do not grow at the same pace as their siblings. A true case of hydrocephalus can be diagnosed by a veterinarian, though the prognosis is grim.

Chihuahuas have moleras, or a soft spot in their skulls, and they are the only breed of dog to be born with an incomplete skull. The molera fills in with age, but great care needs to be taken during the first six months until the skull is fully formed. Some moleras do not close completely and will require extra care to prevent injury. Many veterinarians are not familiar with Chihuahuas as a breed and mistakenly confuse a molera with hydrocephalus.
Chihuahuas can also be at risk for hypoglycemia, or low blood sugar, which is especially dangerous for puppies. Left unattended, hypoglycemia can lead to coma and death but can be avoided with frequent feedings, such as every three hours for very small or young puppies. Chihuahua owners should have a simple sugar supplement on hand to use in emergencies, such as, Nutri-Cal, Karo syrup or honey. These supplements can be rubbed on the gums and roof of the mouth to rapidly raise the blood sugar level. Signs of hypoglycemia include lethargy, sleepiness, low energy, uncoordinated walking, unfocused eyes and spasms of the neck muscles or head pulling back or to the side.
Chihuahuas are prone to eye infections or eye injury due to their large, round, protruding eyes and their relatively low ground clearance. Care should be taken to prevent visitors or children from poking the eyes. The eyes also water frequently to remove dust or allergens that may get into the eye. Daily wiping will keep the eyes clean and prevent tear staining.
Collapsed trachea (reverse sneezing) is a health concern that is characteristic of the chihuahua breed.
Chihuahuas have a tendency to tremble but it is not a health issue. Instead, it occurs mainly when the dog is stressed, excited or cold. Cold can also present a problem for these small animals. They often enjoy wearing coats or sweaters when outside and enjoy digging and snuggling in blankets when sleeping.

Although figures often vary, as with any breed, the average lifespan range for a healthy Chihuahua is between 10 and 17 years.

All dogs are so cute..
But really afraid that they will have health problems..
Because all that will make me feel depressed.

Thursday, September 08, 2011

What should i do for my birthday?

As for now i got nothing to do at work. So I'm just thinking how should i celebrate my birthday.
Few months ago i thought of booking amara sanctuary resort at sentosa as pool is just inside the villa itself. but visitors must leave at 10.30pm and that's meaningless you see. I intend to book on the 1st of Jan so i could count down to my birthday which is on 2nd Jan but wait, 2nd Jan will be on monday. Meaning i got to book on 31st instead as it will be on the saturday and so people will stay later? I guess? Stress la! Moreover my birthday is a super peak period.. Meaning the most expensive period.. Oh my goodness..  Since Amara is out, i guess i should just book nsrcc bungalow? Maybe i should.

I want a Pappillon puppy for my birthday! But my mama just won't allow.. Sigh..
Thought of changing my car to Honda integra. But my brother says that it's too small. Wont be able to fit all of us in..

Delicated to Derrick Toh!

First day of enlistment for Derrick!
Good luck and have fun in camp!!
As it is navy so i think its fun you got to swim or so. haha.
Anyway you will be booking on 2 weeks later. :)

Tuesday, September 06, 2011

Jerel and Sharon's Wedding!

Cousin's wedding on the 4th of september 2011.
woke up very early in the morning 5am.. Prepared and headed down to my aunt's place.
Sat cousin's friend's car to fetch the bride together. Videod down everything and i can't wait to get married. Long way to go for me.. Went back to aunt's place. done with the wedding precedures and had buffet. my nephew, nigel came. oh my god. he is so cute!!!!! Home after  that to rest.. Work up with a very bad headache. Go to the saloon and make my hair do.. tried something new and i hope it's nice..
ROM at 6pm and dinner at 8pm.. Everything ended at 11pm. Removed my make up and wash my hair like mad...Finally it's time to sleep! Woke up the next day feeling damn tired..but i still head to work.. Thank god Adeline is working with me:)

Photos will be upload soon...






