Swam in school with Joseph Chin because we have 2 hours of break.
Ya only the two of us. That was what I'm expecting! haha.
School ended at 2pm.
Headed home to sleep. Woke up at 3.45pm and went for dental appointment. This time round, I've got rainbow colours. I'm still thinking for the next one. Hmmm.
After appointment, headed to bedok swimming complex to meet weizhen. Swam for awhile and Mingsong came. We swam for awhile and we headed simei to settle our dinner.
Weizhen went home with her sister after dinner.
While Mingsong sent me home.

School ended at 5.30pm.
Headed to tampiness to meet Taby. As usual, she's late. Always so slow.
Eat slow, shit slow, bathe slow and still got what? haha.
Went to Popeye with her and her mother.
I didn't eat because I'm afraid it will be painful for my lower braces.
Went to walk around with her. And Taby bought 2 dress? Ya. LOL!

Gave ETP a skip and headed home. Used the computer and was chatting with Mingsong.
Karrie: Hungry man.
Mingsong: hungry den go eat la.
Karrie: Nobody cook for me.
Mingsong: Need me to cook for you ah? haha
Karrie: ya haha, of cos.
Mingsong: You come my house lo. haha.
Karrie: Wa, not you come my house ar?
Mingsong: Lazy:D You come better what no need pay money.
Karrie: You come also no need money.
Mingsong: Need what. You need to pay for the noodle.
Karrie: My house have the noodle. I go your house i have to pay for transport.
Mingsong: haha, Ok lo. I go over.
Karrie: CRAZY!
Mingsong: Go liao rmb open the door.
Karrie: Crazy! Hungry:(
Mingsong: Wait la. Need bathe want wad.
Karrie: Why bathe?
Mingsong: To send you go out eat or cook for you (:
Karrie: haha. Crazy. Don't need.
Mingsong: I go over liao~ see like in 15 mins or rather 10 mins.
Karrie: You don't wu liao!
Mingsong: See you. byebye
Karrie Crazy!! oioioioi.
After that his status was away and he didn't reply my sms.
So i text him. " You better don't come hor"
He replied " On cab liao how?"
I really thought he was crazy! I'm just kidding with him about the cook for me all that.
In the end, he came and I told him I'm not hungry already.
Around 7pm meet weizhen near my house's coffee shop and we had dinner together.
Finished dinner around 9 or 10. Weizhen went home.
Chatted with Mingsong till around 12. And he cabbed home again. I think he will be damn rich if he don't cab so often..Well, I guess it's all my fault.
WFB test until 3.30pm. went to bedok interchange for lunch with Joseph, Meihong, Shermeen, Steve, Chloe and xuanxuan.
Mingsong came after we finshed eating. went to swimming complex to swim.
Wei wei came like after 1 hr? He shit under he stuck huh? LOL!
After swimming, we went to tampines to meet weizhen. Bought Ninja assasin for 11.45pm show.
Went to settle our dinner at Long john.
I went to the toilet before eating..Wei wei started to eat without waiting for me.
Then he asked mingsong what he is waiting for?
Mingsong replied him: Karrie Ngai, but you can eat. No need to wait.
Weiwei: 国有国法,家有家规。(And so he waited too
When i'm back, he said now everyone is here. Can we eat?
I kept laughing non-stop even when i'm eating. LOL!
Just too funny to stop laughing!
Went to nearby coffee shop. They drank tea, we play games. Borrowed weiwei's iphone to play games. And they played Weizhen's iphone. LOL!
Ninja assasin is nice:) Gore and violent.
Home sweet home:)