Weizhen came over..
And she cook spaghetti for me to eat!! haha.
After eating, she went out with her family. LOL..
So I went to study. lol
Weizhen came over..
And she cook spaghetti for me to eat!! haha.
After eating, she went out with her family. LOL..
So I went to study. lol

Cook too much of that.
After BPF exam, we went to katong to sing. LOL!
this time round. Got xijie, Taby, Jo, Weijie, Jolene, Cherry, Laiman and Mingsong!
Jo is good!!
Went to Orchard Party world again.
This time round his friend's birthday.
He did not tell me that it was his friend's birthday.
He drove me back home.
Reach home around 1 plus and went to use come.. chatted with Jo and people.
Ask if Jo is going to school today.
He said that see if he can wake up.
So I take it that he is not going.
And the morale of the story is, I skipped school today.