Friday- Collect car and caught Ipman 2 this time round with my family..Met Clement, Weizhen and Chloe under my block. We talked till around 3am and we headed home..
Saturday- Met Chloe, Taby, Weizhen and Clement at bedok.
and we headed to Vivo. We planned to watch "Ice kachang puppy love". But when we reached there, it's late already and left with the first row.. In the end we bought tickets for " Back up plan". Before the movie started, we went to Kim gary for lunch.. After lunch, we went for the movie..
After the movie, we walked around while Alvin, Shermeen, Gregory and Jeevan make their way to vivo..
Subway after that and i ate again..
Joshua came after that.. and we went to power house.. this is the first time i been to clubs.. Tried flaming lambo and it's nice.. The bartender tricked me and weizhen.. He ask me to imagine the fire.. LOL! But we know there should be fire.. LOL! After he lighted the fire, by right he should pour the milk in too.. But he didn't! he ended up drink the milk himself.. LOL! But after that he give us another cup of milk.. haha.. Luckily tab and chloe is with us.. if not i really don't know what to do. haha!
I don't know why the hell i cried in the club.. I should be strong! Why did i break down?
Guess I love you so...
After club, went to have breakfast.. Cabbed home with chloe and Joshua lim after that.

2 giant,