It's Saturday!!
Went to SK around 6 to help out with painting.
Still diciding where to go for the night.
In the end we decide to head to Tanjong Pagar.
The journey starts here! haha

After Ah boy finish with his changing and stuff,
Bus down to Darryl's house.

On our way.

Reached their house.

Look at Ah boy. Like taking Passport pictures ar! haha

Karrie and Weizhen.

Busy changing. LOL!

Like business man la. haha

Looks funny here. like "eee" on his mouth.

Heading to Boat Quay.

Darrick and Karrie.
Reached Rabbar. Like so many people la.

Mixing Martell with Coke.

Deric and Darrick.

Like happy only.. LOL.

Darrick, Karrie, Weizhen, Eddie and Darryl. LOL

Playing with dice..

Got DARE. And Wenkai is to kiss Deric on his cheek.

Got it! haha. Happy la!
NOT GAY! haha

Got DARE too!! NOT GAY!

John and Karrie.
Karrie looks funny here.

More proper shot. haha.

Darryl and Wenkai.


Deric's face looks funny la!! haha.

Left Rabbar at 4am.
And we headed to lau pat sat.

Saw this and we took pictures.

Hope all of you had fun that day!

Allan thinks that he is a king ar!

Like drunk. LOL

Karrie and Weizhen. LOL :D
Always and forever!

Allan looks to happy la! haha.
The people who went!
More of SK OUTING! haha.