Sorry for not updating lately.
I'm busy and didn't get the chance to use comp.
Went for a movie yesterday and watch "The Dark Knight".
Not bad but after all can see that "Spiderman", "Superman" and "Bat man" have got similar story line.. Lol.
So when I see that, I'm not really impressed.
Lol. Like Never ending? haha
Lol. The show is like 2 hour plus.
It started at 2.50am and ended at 5.20am.
Lol. after that we bused home. haha.
Reached home bathe and dried my hair. And Sleep.
Now, Blogging.
And I can't wait to blog finish cos i need to eat! haha.
lol. Stay tuned always ya:D:D

Hello panda again. Joseph don't want me to take his face! haha

Above pictures she do not know that I'm taking.
She is trying to get to panda biscuit out to take this picture below. lol.

See. lol.

She act one blur. Lol

I know seaweed is nice. But, after you eat it, your mouth will end up like this.

Sometimes if you're unaware, your teeth will end up like this too:D

Joseph is shocked! And yes I captured him! haha

Do not know what teacher talk to them about.

BEG lesson! Teacher is teaching us about nails.
How we should file our nails and the right way to paint.
So you know girls are vain. And they are painting for each other. lol

Even Joseph! He isn't a gay or what la. He is trying to act like one.
Of cos, I'm the one who painted for him! haha.

See the finger nails is pointed. He did that on purpose.
Becos teacher say the trend now in Euro is like this.

Weijie helping tabby paint her nails. LOL.
A guy help a girl to paint the nails. Haha

Eileen keep filing her nails non stop la! aiyo.
Painting the nails...
Helping herself. LOL. You see. haha. Of cos I didn't get my nails painted!

Even the guys!

Acting like an EMO.. Look WC is behind. Alone again.........

Even mingsong wanna paint! haha. lol. couldn't believe it la! haha

Omg Joseph with different colours of nails polish.