Tuesday- Dyed my hair and cut my hair with weizhen. They say like no difference. But i like it.. LOL! Because I know where the difference are. haha.
Wednesday-So stress during today's training. well, it's over already.. Because stunts is not a one or 2 times thingy..
Thursday-Went to school today early.. haha. so happy did my accounts myself:) haha. Happy.. after school, chloe, dixon and me accompanied clement home to take his something.. Chloe's house after that.. she bathe and bring her laptop.. Headed to my house after that.. Watch 4 show at my house. "Bring it on", "Shutter", "The eye" and "Child's play 2". Played the sims 3.. I'm the first to start.. Followed by clement and chloe. and slowly we are like addicted to it. haha!

From In the relationship to engaged.

So sweet.. haha.


He broke into my house.. but my robber alarms are so many and the alarm rang too loud.. The robber face is so many! haha. He was caught in the end.. LOL!
Shall let you guys see my house later:)
Alright I'm going to meet my Xavier in the sims 3 now:)
& I'm going to create a fat girl. Just for fun:)