After that is holiday. Can relax for almost 1 month.
Monday, met kenneth at 3.30pm at The cathay.
Met out late as he went for his facial earlier.
He bought the tickets for final destination 3D first.
And I reached late. Like 4.15pm.
Walked to plaza sing with him as he wanna get his hair cut.
So short and he want it shorter. LOL.
Waited very long for the hair cut because i ask him to pay extra $3 just for the director to cut his hair. We left the salon at 5.15pm as our movie starts at 5.20pm. Walked back to the cathay without even cutting his hair. After the movie, went back to the salon and he got his hair cut.
Ya more smart after the neat hair cut:) bused down to DFS and look for chloe as she is working. After awhile, went to far east to walk around and settle our dinner at graffiti cafe. Chloe finished her work and she came to look for us. Bused home with chloe and Kenneth took different bus from us.

I think the lightings of this picture is very nice.
Look at his hair. I wanna feel his hair now:) haha
Ya and he is checking my phone at that time.

We're both sunburned.. LOL!