the big on is from edmund, yumei, wei da and huitian. haha. i got the small one! haha

the team B. some team B not in the pic.

team A eating! hahah look at edmund's SEXY face! haha

the way of eating the cake. haha.. it's so cool:)

melting. hahah. but we finish it! haha

it an ice cream cake from angie choice. and u won;t get this double layered cake at there. haaha

my double layered cake. designer: father

this pen is from deb and huiling:) love them

my DS.haha..

oh i love bear brick:) and the white one is from naz.
wow! been a long time since i blog. hahaha.
so many pictures to upload. and im not working le.. i need to study hard and got into POLY. haha
i got them all plan! hahha. and it's my birthday today! ahahah