meet up at ard 245 when we are suppose to meet at 2. i was late la :)
headed to atm && bought food.wanted to catch 3.20's movie.
climb the staircase from B1 all the way to level 4. so tiring..haha
reached. the queue was sooooo damn longgggggg & and was selling fast! so we went CS.
bought 5pm's tickets for mrbean's holiday.afterthat,went nokia servce centre to collect his phone.
MR BEAN'S HOLIDAY, i didn't really was. no mood. but did laugh at some of the parts
afterthat, went minitoons to get sweets and we went to find place to sit.
we ended up at the place where there's tons of bicycles.hahaha.
we sat from ard 645 to ard 815.hahaha.
as im sad, no mood i don feel like going when there's road i walk.
weizhen: the shutter bus nobody, come ar we go sit.
me:ok la.anything.
weizhen: ok let go
both: (we ran)
me: got coins not?
wei zhen: for wad?
me: bus la
wei zhen:aiyo no need $$ de la. first time ar?
weizhen said im the frog inside a well..haha i agree. we boarded the bus and went to ikea :)
after shopping at ikea, we bought hotdog buns and left.
while queueing to buy the buns. a little girl hug my leg. she thought im her mother!!
his father grab her and said sorry to me. i goes laughing.and the father laugh too
boarded back the bus and went back to the place just now.
i saw a cute little baby..the eyes so i wish i have a baby so cute..haha
the baby keep looking at me.haha
wei zhen saw her relative.
we sat at the parking bicycles there and ate our buns.
took photos.
i told him i don feel like going home and he asked me if i wana join him after his work.i said ok.
after that i meet him and join his friends at pasir ris coffee shop.
get to know his friends. i still remember his friends drool..haha..and we kept laughing.
so happy. he bring my mood back.
N: later how u go home?
me: cab lo. so late le also no bus le.
N: oh ok. how much u got? enuff not?
me: $6 i think not enuff le
N: huh? no enuff la. (he pass me $2)
we crap and crap. laugh here and there.
N: u cold?
me: no.
N: if u cold i lend u my jacket
me: jacket or blazer?
N: ok! blazzzeer
me: laughs
i find him so cute to me.haha
wei zhen said he noe how to think about others.oh ya wei zhen didn't come along.
about to go home, he ask me again.
N: the money enuff not?
me: i scare not enuff lei.cos that time i frm simei take cab home $7 plus le..without midnight charges
N: he give me $2 again..that $10 le
take cab with his fren desmond. drop his friend first den went to my hus.
reach my hus and the fares is $10.50
i don have the 50 cent..i told uncle..
and he is ok with it.
our dinner
cant really see me
the mess we have made