Awww. This is sweet! I want a photo like this:) Maybe handstand is enough..
Training today was different. Last few weeks couldn't get my pop twist..All i tell myself was "I CANNOT DO IT". I guess i think too much about the stunts..
Today I did pop twist. Though i never really get my twist strong enough. But at least i'm twisting. The best thing is, I didn't say I cannot.. I guess it's my mind..I shouldn't have negative thoughts..
Yeah we should think positively! So we can do our stunts properly like how it should be:)
Oh ya! I gave Jason a kick when i'm falling. I'm sorry:( I really don't mean it..
Thanks for saving me still:):):)
Baby finally got me on hands for toss to hands:) I didn't expected it to go up on hands today. Well i'm wrong:)
Now you have got me on hands, next we shall be consistent baby!