I know you felt this way before.. I'm sorry. I didn't know I hurt you so much in the past..
Back to school..luckily i'm still be able to wake up for my lesson..
Because I forced myself to:)
I cried during WFB lesson again.. Eyes are like swollen and in pain..
Lesson till 2pm today and went for a movie with shermeen, chloe and people..
Thoughout i'm like keep thinking of you..
Many things around me can be related to you. So many memories.. Too much for me to even forget.. I went back to my old post.. those that I did wrote about it.. I miss them..
Yes I miss you. I'm waiting for your return. Would you be back?
I hope you will be back to me someday. I will wait:)
I feel so sorry and regret of everything.. I should have treated you better.. Maybe the best way i should treat you..You know I love you and I won't betray you in anyways.
No matter what, i'm waiting:)
Because I love you..