did some test just. and this the result. Your Personality is Very Rare (ESTP) |
Your personality type is dominant, driven, poised, and self-aware. Only about 5% of all people have your personality, including 3% of all women and 6% of all men You are Extroverted, Sensing, Thinking, and Perceiving. |
How Rare Is Your Personality?
You Belong in New York |
You're a girl on the go, and LA's laid back lifestyle isn't really your thing. You prefer a city that never sleeps, and people as ambitious as you are. Cultured and street smart, you can truly appreciate everything New York has to offer. |
Your Pride Quotient: 61% |
You're beyond proud - you think you're honorary royalty. And while you may be nice on occasion, it's usually just to get what you want. |
You Are 20% Phobic |
Wow, you're scared of very little. And you're always conquering new fears that come up. Have you considered a career as a stunt double? You should at least go on one of those crazy reality shows where you eat bugs! |
Your Observation Skills Get A B- |
Your senses are pretty sharp (okay, most of the time) And it takes something big to distract you! |
You Are an Intense Kisser |
When you kiss, it's deep and powerful You don't take kissing lightly Your kisses always have meaning And they always make your head spin |
You're a Little Stupid |
You got 9/10 questions right! Or at least careless. Better go back and recheck your answers! |
You Probably Look Younger Than Your Age |
You live a healthy lifestyle and know how to take care of yourself. You'll probably have a youthful glow for many years. |