Friday, November 21, 2014

Goodbye Mr Bae!!

See you in korea next time!!! 
We will miss you! 

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Sun with moon

Love the tofu cheese cake!! 

Finally met Edmund after so long! 
Omg I missed him! So glady that we manage to meet. 
Sun with moon with the both of them and can't stop snapping pictures after that. 

Friday, September 05, 2014

Supreme Pork Chop Rice

I couldn't explain why this pork chop noodle is so amazing. Once in awhile we will come here for lunch. Walk all the way from Suntec to beach road isn't that far. Simply love the noodle and the chicken chop. 
Will always go back for more! 

Sunday, August 31, 2014

Friday, August 15, 2014

It's fryyyyyydayyyy!

My title explain my sinful diet today. 
Though I really need to slim down for my big day next year! 

Been too long since I eat this. 
Well it's only $2 as I got the coupon. *Only available at Suntec city outlet!*

Friday lunch at food republic. I miss ITE simei's Japanese food! Slurrp! 

Boyfriend planned to go for a movie (The guardian of the galaxy) after his department dinner later on. 
Been age since we catch a movie together in a cinema. Normally we would rather stay at home and watch online. As we can get all comfy. But watching the big screen once in awhile is not a bad idea too. 


Ending work about 745.
While jas and I are heading home, she remembered that today is the last day of the free drinks from marche's opening promotion. Suntec talents will get a free drink when you present your business card to them. Luckily we always carry our business card along with us. 
So without any hesitation, we went into marche. We took the sit near the entrance, as usual it's very crowded and if you want to have better seats, you gotta wait. But well, we are cool with siting on high chair. 
Initially we planning to get one rossti and the free drinks, but there is one free cake for one person! I guess this promotion is for everyone, anytime from 5pm-10pm. 

Impromptu dinner was great! Chatting over anything. Rossti was awesome as usual, love the cakes and the wine.

Headed home, took a quick shower and drove out to fetch my parents and my aunty from Bedok point. They tried the BKK wanton mee and comment that it's so so. Portion still alright for the ladies but for my dad, it's soo little and it costs $5.00. I should try it one day. 
Fetched them home and waited for my boyfriend as he went for department dinner at Furama city. 
Headed out at 1115 to katong to get the ticket. As we hardly watch movie now, we don't book online as we don't see a need because there are still many available seats to choose from. We just don't see a need the book online. 
Also if you have HSBC credit card, you can save a lot. On the ticket itself and the popcorn! 

Cheers to weekend! 


Thursday dinner with comfort food.

This is how i like my chee cheong fun..
Ingredients: Chili, sesame oil, light soy sauce, fried onions and bacon bits!

Boyfriend's dinner. Roti John! 

Sample store arrived at my doorsteps!

Yeah! Came back home saw this! Parcel from Sample store. kinda efficient. 
Looks what i redeem.

Total 3 item i redeem and my main redemption is Hiruscar. 
Its awesome! It lighten most of the scars. Best is you can apply on the face but be sure not to touch the eyes.

Though I don't have much scars but i surely can find one and do a before and after picture.
Stay tuned!

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

The week

It's very hard to get kinder surprise nowadays! But somehow we manage to get it! My boyfriend's all times favourite! 

How about the korea's corn ice cream? 
It's yummy! 
Location: vivo basement

The milk tea is definitely the most eye catching item on the menu! The drinking glass looks like a shot glass. Just like you are drinking some liquor. Haha

The lemongrass porkchop dry noodle will never go wrong! 

Location: Bedok mall. 

Monday, August 11, 2014

Monday blues

Yawn! I am so sleepy.
Happy belated national's day. I don't have the mood to celebrate it at all.
Although i like Singapore and am proud to be a true pure Singaporean.
National's day is just a normal day except that this year i get to have additional off in lieu to my existing leave!
That makes me happy!
But still I am very sleepy right now.
Writing this post with my eyes half shut and i seriously need something to perks me up!

Saturday, August 09, 2014

Maintaining a relationship.

I know i have not been blogging since last year. I hope i can update more regularly though i don't have a very interesting life now. Its all smooth now and that's something to be happy about. 
Most of you should know that i am happily attached. He is very good to me and i can say that its a very peaceful and loving relationship. Its never easy to maintain a relationship but its never too hard for us to be one. 
Have you ever gotten into a fight with your partner and find yourself what you were really upset about? If you ever been disappointed because your partner didn't meet your expectations?
We have thoughts and feelings that can be confusing. Other people do too. We are simply humans!

I hope this 10 ideas will help for all the relationships.

1. Do what you need to do for you.

Everyone has personal needs, whether it’s going to the gym after work or taking some alone time on Saturday morning. If someone asks you to do something and your instinct is to honor your own needs, do that. Of course making sacrifices sometimes is good too, but it’s important to make a habit of taking care of yourself and I think being independent is the key word. We are not princess or prince!
You don't need people to serve you 24 hours and anytime you need them. Because even helper don't serve you for 24hrs, they need to rest too. They aren't super human. So if you can do the things yourself, do it yourself. 

2. Give people the benefit of the doubt.

 People who care about you want you to feel happy, even if sometimes they get too wrapped up in their own problems to show it well. If you want to get good will, share it by seeing the best in the people you love. When we assume the best, we often inspire it.

3. Look at yourself for the problem first.

When you feel unhappy with yourself, it’s easy to find something wrong in a relationship. If you blame another person for what you’re feeling, the solution is on them. But this is actually faulty logic. For starters, it gives them all the control. And secondly, it usually doesn't solve the problem, since you didn't actually address the root cause.
Next time you feel the need to blame someone for your feelings—something they did or should have done—ask yourself if there’s something else going on. You may find there’s something underlying: something you did or should have done for you. Take responsibility for the problem and you have power to create a solution.

4. Be mindful of projecting.

Denying your own traits and then ascribing them to the outside world or other people. For example, if you’re not a loyal and trusting friend, you may assume your friends are all out to get you. It’s a defense mechanism that allows you to avoid the discomfort of acknowledging your weaknesses. There’s no faster way to put a rift in your relationships.
This comes back to down to self awareness, and it’s hard work. Acknowledging your flaws isn't fun, but if you don’t, you’ll continue seeing them in everyone around you. And you’ll continue to hurt. Next time you see something negative in someone else, ask yourself if it’s true for you. It might not be, but if it is, identifying it can help create peace in that relationship.

5. Choose your battles.

Everyone knows someone who makes everything a fight. If you question them about something, you can expect an argument. If you comment on something they did, you’ll probably get yelled at. Even a compliment could create a confrontation. Some people just like to fight—maybe to channel negativity they’re carrying around about the world or themselves.
On the one hand, you have to tell people when there’s something bothering you. That’s the only way to address problems. On the other hand, you don’t have to let everything bother you. When I’m not sure if I need to bring something up, I ask myself these few questions:
  • Does this happen often and leave me feeling bad?
  • Does this really matter in the grand scheme of things?
  • Can I empathize with their feelings instead of dwelling on my insecurity?

6. Confront compassionately and clearly.

When you attack someone, their natural instinct is to get defensive, which gets you nowhere. You end up having a loud conversation where two people do their best to prove they’re right and the other one is wrong. It’s rarely that black and white. It’s more likely you both have points, but you’re both too stubborn to meet in the middle.
If you approach someone with compassion, you will open their hearts and minds. Show them you understand where they’re coming from, and they’ll be willing to see your side. That gives you a chance to express yourself and your expectations clearly. And when you let people know what you need at the right time in the right way, they’re more likely to give that to you.

7. Don’t be afraid to be vulnerable.

There are all kinds of ways you can feel vulnerable in relationships: When you express your feelings for someone else. When you’re honest about yourself or your past. When you admit you made a mistake. We don’t always do these things because we want to maintain a sense of power.
Power allows us a superficial sense of control, whereas true, vulnerable being allows us a sense of authenticity. That’s love: being your true self and allowing someone else to do the same without letting fear and judgment tear it down. It’s like Jimi Hendrix said, “When the power of love overcomes the love of power the world will know peace.”

8. Think before acting on emotion.

This one is the hardest for me. As soon as I feel hurt, frustrated, or angry, I want to do something with it—which is always a bad idea. I’ve realized my initial emotional reaction does not always reflect how I really feel about something. Initially, I might feel scared or angry, but once I calm down and think things through, I often realize I overreacted.
When you feel a strong emotion, try to sit it for a while. Don’t use it or run from it—just feel it. When you learn to observe your feelings before acting on them, you minimize the negativity you create in two ways: you process, analyze, and deal with feelings before putting them on someone else; and you communicate in a way that inspires them to stay open instead of shutting down.

9. Maintain boundaries.

When people get close, boundaries can get fuzzy. In a relationship without boundaries, you let the other person manipulate you into doing things you don’t want to do. You act out of guilt instead of honoring your needs. You let someone offend you without telling them how you feel about it. The best way to ensure people treat you how you want to be treated is to teach them.
That means you have to love and respect yourself enough to do that: to acknowledge what you need, and speak up. The only way to truly have loving, peaceful relationships is to start with a loving, peaceful relationship with yourself.

10. Enjoy their company more than their approval.

When you desperately need someone’s approval, your relationship becomes all about what they do for you—how often they stroke your ego, how well they bring you up when you feel down, how well they mitigate your negative feelings. This is draining for another person, and it creates an unbalanced relationship.
If you notice yourself dwelling on pleasing someone else or getting their approval, realize you’re creating that need. (Unless you’re in an abusive relationship, in which case I highly recommend getting help.) Instead of focusing on what you can get from that person, focus on enjoying yourselves together. Oftentimes the best thing you can do for yourself and someone else is let go and give yourself permission to smile.


Been using this app call Carousell and its awesome!
As you can sell anything be its brand new or used.
Its very user friendly be it for android or Apple.
The best thing about the app is, the app is totally FREE! You don't have to pay any fee to sell your item.

Follow me on carousell and see what i am selling.

So what are you waiting for now?
Grab your phone and start downloading now!

Wednesday, August 06, 2014

Sample Store

wooow! Really been so long since i update but anyway i wrote this post just to share with you guys something!

Just today my friend introduced me to sample store and i just place my orders there which i don't have to pay a single cents but just deducting the points!

Its really too good to be true! But well no harm trying it out!

For interested readers please click on the link below and register!
Its easy to use and they deliver to your doorsteps!

Enjoy your free samples!!!!